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ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief – 12/June/2015

Contractor availability reaches seven-month low, providing a contract-rich market

Contractor availability reached a seven-month low during May 2015’s General Election campaign, resulting in a contract-rich environment across most core contracting disciplines. This is according to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC)/KPMG Report on Jobs for May 2015, which also shows the best source of contracts as being in the Midlands and London. “Contractors with the right skills have it all to gain from focusing on winning work in these locations,” says ContractorCalculator CEO Dave Chaplin. More...

Oil and gas contractors in the North Sea need to hold their nerve, says AGCC survey

Oil and gas contractors hoping to maintain North Sea contracts still have plenty of opportunities despite the downturn, suggests the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce’s (AGCC) Oil and Gas Survey. Contractors are at “the start of the next phase… at the frontier of the oil and gas sector,” highlights James Bream, research and policy director at AGCC. And ContractorCalculator CEO Dave Chaplin notes: “In response to falling oil prices, 41% of service firms are choosing to accelerate their plans to expand into new markets… and will offer contractors new opportunities as a result.” More...

Financial and IT contractors experience seasonal blip in demand

Contractors may have experienced a sharp decline in vacancies in London’s financial sector, according to Bloomberg Business’, Ambereen Choudhury, commenting on the results of the Morgan McKinley London Employment Monitor May 2015 survey. This news comes as HSBC Holdings Plc. announces plans to cut 8,000 UK jobs and relocate. Despite the reported setback during May, contractors in the accounting & financial sector could find demand for their services increases if this latest jobs cull goes ahead and the bank still needs to maintain frontline service delivery. More...

Contract opportunities increase as England’s North faces ‘acute’ talent shortages

Contractors in the north of England could find that the North of England is the next hotspot for contracting activity, as the shortfall of qualified workers across many disciplines intensifies across the region. The Manpower Employment Outlook Survey (MEOS) for the third quarter of 2015 reports that the north of England is ‘particularly vulnerable’ to skills shortages. Despite employment at a record-breaking high, there is a severe shortage of candidates. For contractors in the core IT and engineering areas, this crisis spells good news for now, although the long-term effects of slow growth in the north may have a wider impact on the UK economy. More...

Oil and gas contractor prospects to improve by year-end as oil prices forecast to rise

Contractors in oil and gas might need to be on standby for an unexpected surge in demand for their services as a result of rising oil prices. In a recent report, Andrew Critchlow, commodities editor for the Telegraph, has published graphs showing how the market is recovering as a result of higher consumption in developed markets. Global investors are returning and China’s economy is on the rise, signalling a bright future for contractors working in the sector. More...

Contracting in Holland and France is an increasingly viable opportunity

Contractor opportunities in the Netherlands are on the increase, as the number of temporary hours worked during April and May 2015 increased by 18% compared with the same period last year. Staffing Industry Analysts reports the latest figures from the Dutch Federation of Employment Agencies (ABU), which highlights particularly strong results in the industrial (engineering) and technical sectors. Similar results came from France, where the number of contractors increased by 2.4% in April 2015, making it the strongest growth month so far this year, with industrial and construction in the top two places. For contractors seeking overseas contracts in these locations, it could be the right time to move. More...

Contractors with niche skills in oil and gas may need to secure digital credentials

Contractors working as technical experts in oil and gas could be required to prove their competencies through an open badging system that is gaining wider acceptance across the industry, according to Rigzone. Since 2011, the non-profit Mozilla Foundation has promoted online openness and participation for ‘meaningful learning’. The badges, which show digital credibility, are “difficult to fake” says training expert Carey Hamburg, from Louisiana State University, but he adds: “it’s still going to take a major player or company to begin issuing their training in the form of digital badges for it to become more widespread”. More...

Construction contracting prospects show improvement as sector accelerates

Construction contractors benefited from increased activity during May, with more good news promised, the Savills Commercial Development Activity report for May shows. The latest figures reveal activity at a five-month high, with a ‘sharp and stronger rate of expansion’ in the UK commercial property sector, and the fastest growth reported in private retail and leisure projects. Contractors can remain positive about the future due to new contract wins, improved market conditions, low borrowing costs and economic stability. Simon Collett, head of building & project consultancy at Savills commented: “The post-election bounce back has been faster than expected, particularly for the retail sector.” More...

IT and oil & gas contractors need to develop IoT skills to win cutting edge tech contracts

IT and oil & gas contractors need to rise to the challenges set by big data, claims a Harvard Business Review article sponsored by GE. What is termed as the ‘Industrial Internet’ is key to meeting rising energy demands and improving operational efficiency. GE is leading the way by harvesting and analysing data produced by its own machines. The company is partnering with BP to ensure safe extraction and transportation of oil and gas globally. Gillian Goby, performance enhancements team leader of BP said: “The oil and gas industry…places great demands on its personnel and equipment.” Contractors are well placed to relieve this ‘demand’, but only if they invest in gaining the skills. More...

Contractors who used loan schemes have until 30 June to start settling with HMRC

Contractors who participated in a Contractor Loans Scheme need to put their affairs in order by 30 June 2015, or they lose the opportunity to settle with HMRC and benefit from lower penalties. HMRC has made it clear that these tax avoidance schemes ‘do not work’ and has issued an ‘ten things you need to know’ list to help contractors. HMRC has confirmed that contractors who have previously asked for a settlement tax calculation are already registered and will receive their settlement pack shortly. More...

Published: Friday, 12 June 2015

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