The UK's leading contractor site. Trusted by over 100,000 monthly visitors

Our Traffic reports - 2025

If you are an advertiser looking for an online marketing solution, then you will already know the importance of advertising properties being able to substantiate their audience claims.

ContractorCalculator has been committed to transparency and publishing regular traffic reports since it began using the ABC auditing service in March 2008. You can view eight years worth of audited statistics from 2008 to 2016.

We no longer use the ABC auditing service, but are committed to publishing the same report we have previously had audited by them. So, you can now view these reports here.

If as an advertising buyer you are accountable for how your organisation’s marketing budget is spent, you can justify your decision to invest in ContractorCalculator by using these reports, which is great support for your decision when the finance director or the auditors come calling!

You can view our most recent traffic reports by clicking on the links in the following table:

Month Unique visitors Report

If you are offered advertising space on a website that does not provide you with a traffic report, you should ask why and request verification of their visitor number claims. Legitimate advertising properties should happily provide evidence that backs up their site’s statistics, just like we do at ContractorCalculator.

To find out more about our comprehensive range of online marketing solutions, then please request a media pack.