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ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief – 21/June/2013

IT contractors must adapt to the new demands of cloud computing

IT contractors should evolve and adapt to the new challenges presented by cloud computing. ‘Contractrepreneur’ Mark Sweeny of Certus Solutions warns IT contractors that the traditional contracting model of high day rates can’t pay its way under the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) commodity-based pricing model. However, Sweeny highlights that there will continue to be opportunities for ‘premises-based’ contracting, as clients resist moves to the cloud and maintain legacy systems. More...

IT and engineering skills shortage forecast for 2013

IT and engineering contractors are predicted by contractor clients to be in short supply during 2013. The latest Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) Jobs Outlook shows that IT and engineering contractors are in second and third places in REC’s skills shortages league table. Despite burgeoning skills shortages, future hiring intentions across most core contracting disciplines are flat or falling, with the financial sector performing particularly poorly. More...

Contractor clients in manufacturing ‘treading water’, says CBI

Production levels among contractor clients in the manufacturing sector were flat in the three months to June 2013, shows the latest Confederation of British Industry’s (CBI) Industrial Trends Survey. “Firms continue to anticipate a modest expansion in output over the coming three months, but they are less upbeat than a few months ago”, says the survey. The only bright spots for contractors in manufacturing were in the automotive and aerospace sectors, which reported business activity “comfortably” above average. More...

IT and engineering contractor demand in Scotland increased strongly in May

Demand for IT, engineering and construction contractors grew strongly during May 2013, according to the Bank of Scotland Report on Jobs. Contractor agency billings and vacancy growth rose during May, alongside increased rates and a slight fall in contractor availability. All of these factors indicate that, at least for now, there is a ready supply of suitably qualified contractors in Scotland available to meet the country’s demand. More...

Legal, accounting and finance contractor demand sees double digit growth

Demand growth for legal, accounting and finance contractors reached double digits during May 2013, according to recent research by recruiter Badenoch & Clarke. A report on shows that “legal contract vacancies rose by 11.7% over the month, an increase of 53.2% since May 2012”, and “demand for contractors across accounting and finance was up 14% in the month, which represents a 33.3% year-on-year demand”. More...

Contractor growth markets shift to clients targeting emerging markets

Contractors profiling clients for new contracts should consider targeting firms set on growing exports to emerging markets. Richard Crump writes in Financial Director that a survey by American Express shows 41% of finance directors are targeting emerging markets for growth, with only 17% intent on tapping more mature markets. A third of firms surveyed plan to “increase sales and distribution activity”, which may lead to an increase in IT, sales and logistics contracts in the UK to support overseas operations. More...

PCG launches new contractor member benefits

PCG has launched a range of new benefits for its PCG Plus and PCG Standard contractor membership. PCG Plus members are now entitled to compensation for loss of earnings due to business interruptions. This includes £7,500 if a client goes bust. PCG Standard members can now access five London-based work hubs near Zone 1 and 2 tube stops. Members can use the facilities up to four days each month.

Contractors may benefit if G8 promises on tax avoidance become fact

Contractors may benefit in the event that the Loch Erne declaration by G8 leaders about clamping down on corporate tax evasion is translated into action. There may be some substance to the declaration, as Patrick Wintour reports in the Guardian: “one British official said the communiqué had ‘more substance on tax and development than any communiqué for 20 years’”. G8 leaders pledged to automatically share tax information and France, Italy, the UK and the USA plan to create registers identifying company owners. More...

Contractor prospects buoyed by improving household finances

Contractors across multiple disciplines and throughout the supply chain stand to benefit as a result of improving household finances. The Household Finance Index for June 2013 shows households are “the least downbeat about their finances for over three years”, suggesting a consumer spending recovery may be on its way. An increase in consumer spending will have a ripple effect that will ultimately increase contract supply as clients react quickly to take advantage of a market upturn. More...

HMRC “struggling to achieve its tax evasion prosecution targets”

Despite being provided with nearly £1bn in additional resources to tackle tax evasion and the tax gap in 2010, HMRC is consistently failing to achieve its prosecution targets. AccountingWeb’s Robert Lovell reports that “200 volume crime investigators and 40 further intelligence officers were recruited to help meet the stretching prosecution targets”, but despite this only 349 of the target 565 prosecutions were achieved in 2012/13. More...

Published: Friday, 21 June 2013

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