Perhaps you would like to earn more money from your existing contract?
Maybe you are thinking of changing contract to get more money?
What rate increase would you need to get your desired income per month?
You can find out using our new Target Income Calculator for contractors .
Example : Desired net income per month = £4000; Current rate= £30 .
- Your desired net income of £ 4000 is £ 901 ( 30%) more than your current net income of £3098 .
- To earn your desired income you need a rate rise of £10 (34%) to £40 .
- Keeping the rate the same you would need to find other income of £18000 per year. .
- Alternatively, if you went permanent you would need an annual salary of £72820.
Just enter how much you want each month and your current rate, and we will do the rest for you. Click on the image below to start.